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GX Assist is a combination of CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ essential oils and caprylic acid to help support a healthy digestive tract by creating an unfriendly environment for potential threats that can disrupt digestive immunities and cause digestive upset.* GX Assist is formulated to be used for 10 days as a preparatory cleansing step before using PB Assist®+ Probiotic Defense Formula.*

Having a healthy digestive system affects all facets of the body. When the digestive system is not functioning at its best, there can be a negative effect on every other function of the body. The combination of very powerful essential oils and caprylic acid helps cleanse the digestive system, which helps all other functions of the body perform at their maximum potential.*

CPTG® Essential Oils

GX Assist contains a proprietary blend of doTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ essential oils from Oregano, Melaleuca, Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Thyme. The GX Assist blend was formulated to improve microbial balance.* This proprietary blend helps purify and cleanse the digestive system.*

Directions for Use

Take 1 to 3 softgels with meals for 10 days

  • First step in an essential oil digestive maintenance program*
  • Supports a healthy digestive environment*
  • A proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils and caprylic acid that provides a natural cleanse for a healthy digestive system*

doTERRA GX Assist GI Cleansing Blend 60 Capsules

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