Organic Mattress Pads and Toppers/Covers
Lowest Price Guarantee

A bed can be so much more breathable and comfortable by simply adding an organic mattress pad or topper. Or you may want some moisture control.
How do you know which type you need?
If you want a bunch of added softness, breathability, bacteria resistance, mold resistance, bug resistance, then you would love our 3", 4" 5" or 6" EcoWool filled toppers. We hand tuft them so they are super soft (much like a natural version of a featherbed). They are made with layers and layers of the carded pure natural EcoWool or choose Organic Wool if you prefer the Certification. Both Wools test pure. Keep in mind wool compresses about 25%.
If you prefer a more futon or mattress feel, we can add layers of needle punched organic cotton inside for a firmer surface.
Another option is our organic latex core with layers of EcoWool felted Insulator on top for added plushness. You choose your thickness. This combo can make a nice simple mattress, futon, or shikibuton.
Bonus - You can get these with a pure EcoWool Outer so no cotton at all if you like. These are more breathable than cotton and naturally resist liquids.
We make these in our Southern California Country Location to maintain purity. We have only 2 sewers who live here in our pure natural home so we can guarantee odors and toxins will not be getting on our products. We even use Lemon Essential Oil instead of WD 40 for our machines. I have never seen anyone take such care to keep things pure.
If you want a bit less plush, try our hand tufted mattress pads. And finally if you want to protect your mattress from wetness, blood, etc, then try the EcoWool Moisture Pad.
Call me with any questions as we do a lot of custom work and we want to make sure you are getting what works best for you. 800-939-0701 (as a small company, we may not always answer, so please leave a message)
We make all our toppers and pads here in Southern California since 1993 at our pure in-house facility to add comfort to your sleep. We are the only company guaranteeing that our workers have no synthetic chemicals on them at any time.
Ginny Edmunds - Owner