Look and Feel Your Best No Matter Where You Are
COVID-19 may have us masking up and skipping the lipstick, but even in these unusual times, we can benefit from paying attention to how we look and feel. There is no magic formula or one-size-fits-all approach for these improvements. Often, the same types of behaviors that help us feel great also help us look our best. Healthy Body Head to Toe specializes in helping you make healthy life choices, from organic bedding and baby supplies to high-quality essential oils that help with a range of physical and emotional health needs. Looking and feeling your best is within reach with some simple changes to your daily routine.
Boosting Your Health Through Food
Eating well is a good way to help your body feel its best. You can prepare nutritious meals at home with items that are already on your shelves. Homemade veggie soup, skillet rice, sandwiches, and wraps can be made healthier by using high nutrient ingredients like dark leafy greens, tomatoes, and avocado. Try to incorporate organic foods whenever you can to reduce the number of unnecessary chemicals you ingest and be sure to thoroughly wash all produce prior to consuming. Lean meats in small portions are ideal, but try to avoid processed foods like sandwich meat, as some are loaded with nitrates and sodium.
Along with healthy ingredients and using more whole foods, make sure you drink plenty of water. Eight to ten cups of water per day can help with your digestion and will also give you greater energy and healthier skin. There are additional measures you can take to protect your skin, including using moisturizer and avoiding harsh chemicals.
Ways to Protect Your Skin and Overall Health
Use high SPF sunscreens to prevent your skin from overexposure to UV rays. Protecting your skin now can prevent long-term damage and possibly skin cancer formation in the future. Sun also accelerates the skin’s aging process and may create patchy, uneven skin tones that can be difficult to manage. Hormonal shifts due to birth control usage and sun exposure can create dark patches on the face called melasma, so avoiding exposure can help prevent this problem, along with seeking alternative birth control options.
When you are out and about, be sure to take precautions to prevent Covid infection, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and using hand sanitizer. Attend your yearly physical exams, including routine bloodwork to ensure your body is operating properly and not deficient in key nutrients. Maintain a healthy weight through eating moderate portions and getting adequate exercise. As you start to feel and look good, you should treat yourself to some clothes that reflect your style and participate in fun activities that enhance your mind and body.
Diverse Activities for Fun and Wellness
When you are able, participate in team sports such as volleyball or tennis. If your region is not yet condoning these activities due to the pandemic, consider individual physical activities like hiking or kayaking or socially distant yoga classes. Some areas of the country that are seeing an increase in Covid cases are finding it necessary to continue spending more time at home, which can sometimes increase tension levels. Essential oils such as those offered by Healthy Body Head to Toe can offer stress relief through aromatherapy as well as fueling the body with specially formulated supplements that integrate well into your daily self-care routine.
Many families have found that gaming is a fun pastime, and with the variety of games available, it appeals to all ages. If your family opts for multiplayer online gaming, you may require an upgrade to your internet plan. A high-speed connection is required for most online games to prevent lags and annoying problems with buffering. Many areas offer a 5G connection which speeds up download time and can support multiple usage sites throughout the household.
Invest time and energy into taking care of yourself through nutrition, exercise, fun activities, and monitoring health needs. For more ideas on wellness, education about health, and essential oil use in everyday life, check out Healthy Body Head to Toe.

Image link: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-yoga-meditation-relaxation-5380651/
Image credit: Pixabay.com
Article written by Gloria Martinez - womenled.org