doTERRA Wholesale Options
The cool thing about using doTERRA is you can save 25-68% by simply getting a no obligation Wholesale Account. Like Costco, buy when you want at low wholesale prices, or not at all, You choose. Unlike Costco, ours is FREE.
Contact me directly to get your Free Bonuses when you get your FREE account.
Here is our product catalog so you can see how much you can save buying truly pure products direct.
What kinds of pure natural products can you get? Whole Food Supplements, Pain Relief, Beauty, Essential Oils for Great Skin and Amazing Moods, Weight Management Products, Hair Products, Laundry, Cleaning. All made from nature and thoroughly tested for purity.
You get Free Wellness Consults, Help, Support, Free Information so you can thrive. I wish I could get this kind of support and knowledgeable help in a grocery store.
You have come this far, so you realized that wholesale makes a lot more sense if you are committing to a natural and healthy lifestyle. Make your purchases matter for your health. Save money on your cleaning, get supplements that help your energy, and learn how oils can scientifically (but naturally) affect your mood, your body, your emotions.
You can simply sign up for FREE and buy whatever products you like. whenever you like. Whatever your choice, you get me to help you anytime you like. Or you can ignore me, your choice!
Text me at 619-851-8236 or Call Toll Free (US and Canada) 1-800-939-0701, or email me and get an extra Free bonus oil if you purchase anything.
Wholesale Account is Now Free - Just contact me to get your Personal Account

Contact me to get A Free Bonus Oil with purchase

Wholesale Customer vs Wellness Advocate
Whether you are a Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer, there are many ways that a doTERRA membership can help you live the life you imagine.
Compare Wellness Advocate benefits with Wholesale Customer benefits to see which option would work best for you!
Contact me directly to get your Free Bonuses when you get your FREE account.
BenefitsWellness AdvocateWholesale Customer
25% Discount on Products✓✓
Earns Loyalty Rewards Program Points✓✓
Earns Shipping Rewards Points✓✓
Can Qualify for Free Product of the Month✓✓
Receives a Free Bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil with Membership Renewal✓✓
Can Earn Bonuses and Compensation✓-
Receives a Personal doTERRA Website✓-
Wholesale Customer
Wholesale Customers are those who are interested in using doTERRA products for their health and want to purchase at wholesale pricing. They may also be interested in earning product points with the Loyalty Rewards Program.
Benefits of Being a Wholesale Customer
Product Discounts: 25% off retail prices
Loyalty Reward Points: Receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product
Shipping Reward Points: Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product
Free Product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month
Renewal Fee "Covered": After becoming a Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is $25.00. This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils doTERRA offers, a retail value of $27.33.
Reactivate doTERRA Account
You had a doTERRA Account long ago, or have not used your account in over 6 months.
You can reactivate!
Reactivations over 1 year ago, get a Free Peppermint Essential Oil, and may qualify for other great bonuses directly from me. So please contact me to find out what you are qualified for.
Sometimes you just want to get back to natural health and those oils that you maybe did not understand at the time. Let's get you back on your healthy journey.
Start by looking at our wonderful Free Ebooks to see if this journey is for you...
Then reactivate with doTERRA, by contacting me ASAP by text or phone 760-689-2784 or by email at
Reactivate your life with doTERRA for Energy, Restful Sleep, Optimum Weight, Healthy Muscles and Joints, Solutions to Everyday Issues and more...