As a wholesale accoutn holder with dōTERRA® you can buy different kits according to your needs. There are a few options to start or just buy what you want. There is no Wholesale Account Fee.
If you enroll on my active team as a wholesale account, you get additional goodies and continuing support should you need guidance on saving and using doTERRA. If you enroll randomly, you will be assigned to a random doTERRA person who may or may not have Free Items for you.
The cool thing about using doTERRA is you can save 25-68% by simply getting a no obligation membership. Like Costco, buy when you want at low wholesale prices, or not at all, You choose. Join now to start your Journey To Wellness
You get Free Wellness Consults, Help, Support, Free Information so you can thrive. You have a team of people to help you succeed as a user of doTERRA.
No selling required.
Get our educational emails to learn more about doTERRA and Natural Health Products by signing up for our newsletter here.
I want to learn more about essential oils for Free. Please send me your informative emails.
doTERRA Account Holders get Wholesale Pricing PLUS:
Free Droplii Essential Oil App
Free Interactive Web Site for Health Protocols and Learning
Free Wellness consults as needed
Access to our weekly Natural Health Online Classes
Option to Save another 35% or more
Exclusive Offers

If you wish to start with a money saving kit, here are your options:
Make sure you contact me to get your bonuses 619-851-8236 Text/Phone
You can set up your account on your own by clicking here and choosing become a member, your country, then selecting the kit you like.
Remember 100 pv starting orders get Free Bonuses. Contact me for any questions
Reactivate doTERRA Account
You had a doTERRA Account long ago, or have not used your account in over 6 months.
You can reactivate!
Reactivations over 1 year ago, get a Free Peppermint Essential Oil, and may qualify for other great bonuses directly from me. So please contact me to find out what you are qualified for.
Sometimes you just want to get back to natural health and those oils that you maybe did not understand at the time. Let's get you back on your healthy journey.
Start by looking at our wonderful Free Ebooks to see if this journey is for you...
Then reactivate with doTERRA, by contacting me ASAP by text or phone 760-689-2784 or by email at
Reactivate your life with doTERRA for Energy, Restful Sleep, Optimum Weight, Healthy Muscles and Joints, Solutions to Everyday Issues and more...